Tuesday 10 January 2017



The exchange of it.
The need for it.

The feeling of possessing it.

A woman's need for power: a power over men; a power over themselves.

Henrik Ibsen's Hedda Gabler at the National Theatre depicts a woman's ultimate search for power.

Hedda believes that the cure for her boredom is to feel more powerful.

But, in reality, acquiring an illusion of power just results in Hedda feeling more powerless.

There are endless power struggles taking place across the world, some downright crazy (see: Trump), some worrying (see: Brexit) and others just totally unknown.

2017 looks set to be a rather challenging, unsettling but also exciting year. 

Change isn't always a bad thing, and nor is a transference of power. 

But, as the unimitable and downright awe-inspiring Meryl Streep advised us all in her speech at the Golden Globes, power needs to be used with caution, by all those who find themselves in posession of it.

So let's be more like Meryl.
Be aware of your power and those you use it around.
Be aware of those exerting their own power around you.

Be aware.

There's a resolution for you.

Pic is one of the beautiful sculptures in the gardens at the Musée Rodin, Paris

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